Hello all ! It's been along time since the blog has been touched!
It has also been a long time since me, Theodore, has updated this blog too !
The Choir has been expanding since 2009, and improving by heaps. Thanks to Ms. Jayme Buk, our new instructor as of 2009, she has trained us to be discplined, serious, instilled in us the passion for singing, musical knowledge, and more. She is an all-in-one Instructor. So I would like to take this opportunity to thank her on behalf of the Choir.
Also, welcoming the new members as of 2009, the Secondary Ones,
Chloe K. Zuyu,
Lee Fang,
Chen Hong,
Chuan Hwee,
Hui Lian,
Hui Ting,
and more ( sorry I cannot remember your names ! )
I've also added a timer to show all of you how many more days we have until SYF! Please, let us do the school proud this time round, okay everyone ?! Also, this is an update on how many practies we have.
Monday, 06/04/09.
Tuesday, 07/04/09.
Thursday, 09/04/09 ( SECTIONALS ).
Saturday, 11/04/09 ( VCH REHEARSAL, FULL DRESS(?) ).
Monday, 13/04/09 ( 2 MORE DAYS TO SYF )
Tuesday, 14/04/09 ( 1 MORE DAY TO SYF! )
and finally,
Wednesday, 15/04/09 ( SYF ! )
To all supporters, or more, we are the 1st Choir to perform on the 1st day of Choir SYF !
Do support us, and wish us luck.
Also, Choir, on 07/04/09, we will have a performance right after the National Anthem, singing Hamabe no Uta, for Mrs. Stephanie Lim, who is leaving the service on 09/04/09. Do remember to practice hard, okay ?!
And last but not least,
Pictures speak a thousand words.
Here are the pictures of the Choir Exchange with Chinese High ( now Hwa Cheong ), yesterday.
Whole Choir Picture, Formal
Whole Choir Picture, Informal
Maliana, and Noridayah
Theodore, and Jiayang
Elson, and Junwei
Ms. Siu(sp?) and Ms. Ng
Chinese High Performing for Us (1)
Chinese High Performing for Us (2)
Theodore, and Christy.
Chinese High's Choir Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson (1)
Chinese High's Choir Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson (2)
Ms. Ng presenting to Ms. Siu our School's Gift
Elson, Wen Kai and Khairi
Choir Group Photo with Ms. Jayme
One of Chinese High's Choir Member
Rossiana, Theodore, and Christy ( I'M STEALING THEIR FOOD! MUAHA ! )
Junwei, and Elson
Chloe K. Zuyu
Cynthia, Chloe K. Zuyu, and Azmi
Mazidayu, Huimin, and Jiayang
Group Photo of Juying and Chinese High
Ms. Ng and Ms. Siu
Mr. Yong, Ms. Jayme, Ms. Chua, Ms. Ng and Ms. Siu